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Top Three Things to Expect From Your Emsella Treatment

Did you know urinary incontinence is a common problem affecting about 200 million people worldwide? If you're unfamiliar with the term - Urinary incontinence is a condition in which our bladder loses control, resulting in unexpected leakages. So, if you have the urge to use the washroom frequently or have to deal with some embarrassing moments, you must find the right cure for the problem.

The best solution for this problem is Emsella treatment. It is a non-surgical treatment that fixes your urinary incontinence, caused mainly by a weak pelvic floor. One Emsella session requires you to use the Emsella chair that emits high-intensity focused electromagnetic waves. The waves create supramaximal contractions within the muscles for not more than 30 minutes, and you feel relieved after 6-7 lessons. So, with that being said, let's take a look at the six common things you can expect from an Emsella treatment.

1. No More Bladder Leakage Issues

Controlling your bladder leakage seems impossible when you're dealing with a problem like urinary incontinence. However, people suffering from this problem can face leakage problems even when they're straining their bodies or coughing. The case is common after pregnancy as the pelvic muscles weaken, and the other condition is menopause. Emsella treatment works effectively to get rid of urinary issues as the pelvic muscles get their strength back from using electromagnetic energy. After the treatment, you'll witness the positive results soon and enjoy your life as you used to.

2. The Treatment Will be 100% Non-Invasive

Medical experts don't have to use anesthesia or give incisions to patients suffering from urinary incontinence. An Emsella treatment near you will be completely non-invasive, and there's no need to change your clothes. All you need to do is sit on an Emsella device and wait for a while until it sends the electromagnetic energy to your muscles and makes your pelvic floor better than before. You'll feel very comfortable before and after the treatment; however, you may feel a gentle tingling sensation.

3. You May Get Multiple Sessions

Once you receive your first Emsella session, you'll start to see improvements, but more than one session is needed to fix this issue completely. Generally, people have to receive six treatments, but there's a gap of a few days between two treatments. After that, you'll benefit from multiple sessions, and finally, the issue will be solved entirely. However, we suggest you skip all sessions if you see improvement in your condition, as it can worsen later.


An Emsella treatment is one of the best ways to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and eliminate urinary incontinence permanently. After solving this issue, you can attend events, run errands, and do several other activities that were a bit problematic for you. If you want to get Emsella treatment in Costa Mesa, you can consult Iman Bar, MD. She has been active in the field of practice in pediatric and women's health since 1990 and knows how to improve your health and optimize your life. You can also consult her for emsculpt NEO, RF microneedling, and male optimization. To know more, visit
